Supposedly life’s all about turns, twists and bumps, which makes sense seeing as mine looks a bit like this:

My Life

I mean seriously, who’d want this, right?



Besides, I have a lifetime of experience disentangling my grandmothers’ yarns of wool. My current life has nothing on their knitting escapades! 🙂

48 thoughts on “

      1. mpsharmaauthor Post author

        Oh, if I could only remember. Being myself often resulted in laughter ever since I was a baby, the habit just never left so I thought, you know, if it’s me, it’s me, i’ll just give it a tag – “she’s the crazy funny chick” 😉


      2. aspiringwriter22

        You were hilarious your entire life?!?! I guess you’ll continue to be the “crazy funny chick” forever and ever. At least the future leader of the world will have an awesome sense of humour. 😀


      3. mpsharmaauthor Post author

        Millions!!!! Yay!!!!! Imagine all the ice cream we could buy. How pathetic, you mention millions and naturally I go to ice creams and milkshakes. I’m so Indian, it embarrassing 😉


      4. mpsharmaauthor Post author

        Really?! KICK them out of your life N-O-W! Because they’re clearly madly insane which is tautological, but that’s how weird they are, they need two words that mean the exact same thing to kinda get the point across!


      5. aspiringwriter22

        Awesome advice. OK. I’ll do that right now. Wow you really are great at this contentment thing. Yep because not everyone is as intelligent as you are. 🙂 Point gotten across.


      6. mpsharmaauthor Post author

        Good and make sure to take pics of the bruises on them for a rainy day 😉 I am happy we settled that, these things are very important. I wish I was there, I would have helped you kick them out!


      1. mpsharmaauthor Post author

        😀 Um, I have a hard enough time deciphering the language I speak and think in so I’ll pass, thanks for the offer though 😉

        Unfortunately I don’t speak Qwerty versions 🙂


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