I made it!

I’m very excited to have made it onto the homepage for Faking News late last night (Australia time)!

I mean seriously, as a “real life” journalist, I couldn’t think of a better job if I could wrangle it πŸ˜€

Followed by 352K readers on Twitter & 901 244 Facebook fans, I am STOKED to have reached the first page of thisΒ superbly wonderful initiative.

Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! πŸ™‚

29 thoughts on “I made it!

      1. mpsharmaauthor Post author

        Haha! No, no, this is about everyone who is trying to encourage independent thinking and is trying to push the envelope with getting others to think and stir up the crowd when they see something unjust happening.

        I’ve read your posts, and I am very humbled by your appreciation because you are definitely one such writer!

        Liked by 1 person

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