Writers Block

I’ve been in a writing coma … sorta

Okay, so firstly I absolutely need to apologise for being absent for so long. It’s disgustingly pitiful and I am thoroughly ashamed of myself but my brain just decided to no longer push out any words.

Work has been agonisingly (not to mention rather rudely) busy lately and the Witches from Ronal Dahl’s wonderful adaptation felt like the Fairy Godmother when compared to my work schedule. Seriously. Though I tend to have this vague slightly acute tendency to exaggerate, I kid you not. Not even a little bit. Okay, so maybe a little bit.

I have had a number of articles published all over the Net the past few months (all work related), so I managed to be slightly guilt free about consuming my literary ice cream by telling myself that this sufficed. Excuse me while I put the fire out started by my pants.

In all honesty, I really have had quite a few articles published and my company was even on Foxtel for a week, which was very exciting. If you don’t believe me (I take offence because I really am the most honest person you are ever likely to meet. In your dreams or fantasy land), you can check out my Business Facebook Page here. Please don’t be afraid to share either, I’ll send you a Chocolate Chip cookie that I just stole from my Cookie Monster (Pic below to display the lengths I can go to).

Cookie Monster

Anyway, I promise to be more present here, if for nothing more than to read all of your wondrous fantastical crumbles left behind by your awesome creative brains.

You are my sanity, with all the insane bits being wholly owned by moi 🙂

See you soon my lovelies!




22 thoughts on “I’ve been in a writing coma … sorta

      1. mpsharmaauthor Post author

        I can’t believe this abomination! Well, I guess we’ll just have to chalk it up to “it takes one genius to know one”. What can I say, it’s a small community . Very small 😀


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