Tag Archives: lifetime

To eat or not to eat?

That is really the question!

Gluttony is despicable, isn’t it? No matter how much I think I can’t possibly stuff my mouth anymore, a few hours of the inner workings of my stomach later and I’m right back where I started – craving.

Disgusting, I know. I do apologise, really, but I swear I have been equipped with faulty tastebuds, ones that are punishingly dismembered from my stomach and most importantly my hips. The “a moment on your lips is a lifetime on your hips” concept is naturally inconceivable to them so I can’t be blamed completely.

The only saving grace is that the weekend is near, so hopefully I’ll be spending a large chunk of it sleeping rather than consuming.

Tell me please, can you put on weight dreaming of food?

Have a spectacular weekend my adorables 🙂

Image taken from: https://www.flickr.com/photos/andreakirkby/sets/72157623373247364