Tag Archives: city

It’s a beautiful world …

I went to the city over the weekend, taking my grandparents around Circular Quay and the gorgeous coat-hanger (Harbour Bridge), the famous Opera House and the Rocks.

Isn’t it funny how you often overlook what people spend thousands of dollars and travel across the world to see when it’s in your backyard?

There are so many gems Mother Nature has tucked away for us to enjoy but we’re too obsessed about taking that perfect selfie -_-

Remember to enjoy what’s around you guys because contrary to popular belief, that is a lot more precious than those pair of Louis Vuitton’s you’ve been saving up for!

Practice makes perfect, even when it comes to embarrassing situations – don’t you just love consistency?

I take comfort (sprinkled with a dash of pride) in the fact that no one can quite muster as much perfection as I can when I fall flat on my face, armed with a coffee in one hand and a cream assaulted cake in another, in front of that drop-dead gorgeous Johnny Depp lookalike in the midst of an audience of about, ooh, 100 people at the city train station the way I do.

I’ll be even better the next time round! :p