Tag Archives: Selfies

Selfie Definition:

People really need to stop hating on Selfie enthusiasts.

C’mon now.

They have to take photos of themselves because they’re so self obsessed, they never make any real friends to take some for them.

Seriously guys, what is up with these Selfie sticks everyone is carrying around everywhere? Besides being fundamentally and embarrassingly narcissistic, they are liable to take an eye out. Then you’ll really be worthy of a Selfie snap -_-

It’s a beautiful world …

I went to the city over the weekend, taking my grandparents around Circular Quay and the gorgeous coat-hanger (Harbour Bridge), the famous Opera House and the Rocks.

Isn’t it funny how you often overlook what people spend thousands of dollars and travel across the world to see when it’s in your backyard?

There are so many gems Mother Nature has tucked away for us to enjoy but we’re too obsessed about taking that perfect selfie -_-

Remember to enjoy what’s around you guys because contrary to popular belief, that is a lot more precious than those pair of Louis Vuitton’s you’ve been saving up for!

Girl suffers epilepsy attack after taking too many selfies for Facebook

Bangalore: In line with the latest trend of people taking selfies for their social networking profiles, a girl from the city today (who chooses to remain anonymous) has suffered an epilepsy attack after being subjected to the constant flashes by way of her camera on her smartphone.

“One moment I was fine”, the girl explained to Faking News, “and after about the 105th click, it suddenly hit me!”

The girl’s doctor, Dr Khan says that the problem is a lot more common than one might expect. “We have been stunned with the innumerable amount of cases, some even causing permanent damage such as constant twitching of the trigger forefinger with regards to taking selfies”.

When probed on the reason for the recent increase in selfie related cases, Dr Khan explained that due to friends not meeting each other in person any longer, people were starting to have to remind one another of how they looked.

“The proliferation of selfies seems to be a direct result of an uptake in social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to name a few. One of my previous patients wasn’t allowed back home because his mother didn’t recognise her own son after he’d been locked in his room chatting with his friends via Facebook for over a week. The boy even texted his maid via Facebook when he wanted to eat or drink something.”

“It is true,” one of Dr Khan’s latest patient’s, Vishal confirmed, “I was in police lockup for days because my father thought I was a burglar one night when he found me in the kitchen rummaging through the fridge. Papa thought that I had already left for College abroad two weeks before when I had actually been talking to my friends through Twitter. It took three days for the police to let me go because I didn’t know who to go to, to prove my identity!”

The girl who has currently been ordered to take full bed rest has had her electronic appliances confiscated; however her phone is still with her as Dr Khan fears that making her go cold turkey could cause heart palpitations.

Faking News would like to direct your attention to the following disclaimer, in the case of liking this article on social media networks, please note that Faking News takes no responsibility for any medical conditions that may occur as a result.

I had this post published on Faking News on Friday and it has receieved 789 likes and 79 shares via Facebook so far! I have absolutely no idea why this one in particular has been as popular as it has, though I’m not complaining 😀 Thought I’d share it with my favourite readers here, so enjoy! Happy Monday guys 🙂