Tag Archives: Books

WereVamp is Officially Released!

I’m so glad to let everyone know that WereVamp has officially been released.

I’ve celebrated this personal milestone by conducting my first AMA last week which was heaps of fun – it’s funny how you don’t really ponder your own writing journey in detail unless it’s highlighted by a question asked of you (probably one you’ve never really though about before!).

I’m also offering The Last True Blood (the first in the series) absolutely FREE of charge as a promotion and incentive to read the next one, WereVamp (and hopefully get hooked!) for a limited time as well.

Lastly, I would like to urge all readers to conduct an AMA of their own – it was truly fascinating! It was also a lot of fun analysing my own writing journey and I really did meet some awesome individuals. If nothing else, it’s a platform for likeminded peers and the chance to learn and experience more about the written word – and honestly, can there be anything more awesome? Unlikely!

Anyway, until next time, enjoy and please share the love by downloading my book. Self publishing is no walk in the park and anything we can collectively do to make this journey more awesome and palatable is got to be a good thing, right?

I met the love of my life …

Sorry I’ve been off the blog for such a consistent amount of absent time but sometimes life happens and other priorities take over – yes, even when you love writing as much as I (and most of my readers!) do.

I can only profusely apologise for both of my mistakes.

Have you caught on yet?

My first mistake – the obvious err in my ways – not keeping an active blog and number two?

Slightly misleading you with my very untrue headline! 😀


I had to get your attention somehow, right?

I haven’t met the love of my life yet anyway (though I am working on that!) so for now my current consistent lover- the written word will have to suffice. Not that I’m complaining.

Work is ultra-busy (which is a great thing by the way – just in case you’re wondering) but I’m stoked to say that my second book in The Last True Blood Series is scheduled to release next month.

I’m very excited and I really do hope you’ll join me in my celebration of another milestone in my writing journey.

Watch this space; I’ll be dropping more details soon.

Cheerio & take care my lovelies 🙂

Writing Update – WereVamp looks gooood :)

How are you, my lovely peeps?

Just wanted to let you in on something I’m very excited about – my new book cover for WereVamp.

Just looking at it gives me the shivers because I’m now so close I can smell it and no, that’s not Levi’s werewolf senses going crazy 😀

Anyway, let me know what you think, as usual I can’t thank my adorable sister Mayunka more for her (always) epic creativity!

Speak soon …

I’m back! Bring it on 2018!

Just wanted to drop a quick note in the midst of my email nightmare.

Just returned from a fabulous trip – I went to my favourite place on the planet, my India and ended with Hong Kong (which was equally as spectacular just in case you’re wondering).

But … I came back to over 1600 emails :0

I know, I know, was the holiday worth it? I’ve been struggling to answer that question but every time I close my eyes and reminisce I absolutely know it was so worth it!

Anyway, just wanted to let all of you very special people know that once I get to some sort of semblance with work (hopefully I’ll be there at the end of the week), I am back on my novel.

BTW – the cover is looking so amazing, I’m actually gushing – hope to share it with you soon.

Till then – all my love xoxo


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Are you all ready for Christmas?

Have you got the Christmas lights set up – check! The tree stocked with presents – check! The candy jar filled to the brim (well mine did start out that way :P) – check!

Honestly, I was so organised this year – December 1st and everything was set to go 😀

Anyhow, I just wanted to write a short note wishing everyone much joyful festive cheer this wonderful, awesome season.

I am deep in the midst and dark dungeons of trying to get my next instalment of The Last True Blood Series ready for Smashwords’ completely unattainable (or at least it seems so) Premium category but I must admit, I am revelling in the writing journey again.

Won’t be here for a while, having a much needed and well deserved (at least I think so) break for the summer holidays here in Oz.

Take care & watch this space pretty please! Will keep you updated soon. Cheerio my peeps!

Shake-Up in my Writing World …

More like an Earthquake actually.

I’ve been very obviously missing in the blogosphere of my own writing lately and it’s not because I haven’t been busy writing, it’s just that most of my time has been spent getting published in a variety of online and print magazines for my company.

So I have been writing.

Just not fiction.

But I’m working on changing that.

So, I’m hoping to get my second book published in my vampire series but I still have loads to do.

Just wanted to let the few of you who are my diehard fans know that I’m still here and I haven’t given up! 🙂

The holidays are so very close (I can almost smell it) and I am tiring, so hopefully I’ll be able to put some rubber to the floor before I go for a break but I’ll keep you posted.

Till then, lots of love and just keep writing, writing, writing, just keep writing!

I’m so excited I got my first Troll …

… I think that has to mean I’ve officially made it, hit the big time, right?

Seriously, if someone is taking time out of their presumably “busy” schedule to stalk me about how crap I am at everything literary related it would have to mean I’m someone of (somewhat) importance.

Either that, or the you-know-what head has got seriously nothing better to do with their life than leave unassuming, try-hard jibes peppered across my Twitter account.

I’ll take the first version because you know, I’m working on my positive affirmation.

Just so you know, they ended up blocking me which I guess makes me a Troll in return.

If I’d only known Troll training was as easy as it turned out to be, I would have received my certificate ages ago.

You know what they say – it takes one to know one 🙂

Slam bam, thank you mam!


This is why Diversity sucks

Though the concept is great – it still sucks for my kind.

It conjures up images of glitter and happiness with the glitz and glamour of a chocolate advertisement but tough luck if it makes up your very identity.

Though I don’t mean to sound cruel (even if it is) here’s a reality check for you – crickets will be getting more attention.

Diversity – such a great buzzword with the oomph of a derelict forgotten martyr even the history books couldn’t be bothered teaching us about. Everyone’s talking about it.

Diversity this, diversity that but that’s about all that’s happening.

Everyone’s saying it because it’s the cool thing to say, what the in crowd’s talking about but no one’s actually doing anything about it or even understands what the hell it’s all about.

Diversity sucks but only if it’s part of your core and more importantly, only if you revel in it, brandish in it with all the glory you can possibly muster.

I’m a writer – perhaps a self-declared one, but a writer nevertheless. Perhaps a mediocre one, but a writer regardless and I’m what many would term as a lucky struggling writer because it’s a great time for someone like me to be born apparently – a great time for a diverse writer.

But what does a diverse writer even mean?

That’s a great question because though most know what diverse writing means (as opposed to diverse authors) – very few actually bother about my type.

I’m not going to lie, it’s quite annoying existing in an age where there is so much hoo-hah about diverse characters (many of which are fictional dare I say) when no one really gives a crap about their very factual diverse creators.

This is mainly due to two reasons – one, authors are rarely as interesting as the characters they create (I can attest to this personally) and two, most diverse characters being created aren’t really being written about diverse authors in the first place.

Because let’s face it, who would know better about a brown girl coming to a foreign land and dealing with all the trials and tribulations of modern day western world attitudes and stereotypes against the backdrop of very real cultural boundaries than a white writer?

As a “diverse” author who has written a novel (or a poorly cloaked semi autobiography) about just that (hello people, welcome to my life), do I find it torturously disconcerting that many of the countless literary agents I have reached out to say that my story isn’t quite real enough?

Of course I do.

In fact, I find it so agonisingly painful I actually pondered on writing a thank you reply to the one literary agent who responded by saying that though the premise was good, it just wasn’t the right time for my “type” of tale when adult colouring books were all the rage in the literary world. I thought it would be presumptuous to send him the dictionary book definition of literature when I actually like colouring in.

Others said my book just didn’t strike a chord with them because my main character was too well, normal.

Of course a “normal” brown girl is just out of the question because who would want to read about a normal diverse character? Um – maybe diverse readers like me.

It’s unfortunate that during my teenage years I had to choose between a normal white girl to relate with or a crazy, brown one with a horrific juxtaposition of identity crisis’s that outnumbered the amount of times I change my underwear (which is regularly by the way).

Clearly there are no normal brown people on the planet because we all wear hijabs, struggle daily with radicalism and have a secret life our parents would commit suicide upon discovering exactly twenty two point five years later. And let’s not mention finally participating (while not in undercover) in romantic relationships after securing our parent’s reluctant consent upon finding out about our blatant “western influenced” unlocking of our chastity belts in our late teens. Please note, this is actually supposed to be sarcastic.

Being diverse and actually understanding what that truly meant for many of us diverse teenagers growing up in a world where no one really got us is what continues to make diversity so sucks.

“Normal” for us diverse, immigrant children meant tepidly tip-toeing the tightrope of immigrant versus adopted land issues every single day. It meant explaining why your parents had to meet your “friend” before they let you date him before he even asked you out. It meant you’d get tired of hearing your own voice every time you droned on about how “discovering” yourself after high school on that once in a lifetime gap year before you joined university was never going to happen if you wanted to live past eighteen.

You won’t find novels on how you spent the better part of every weekday morning airing your school uniform out of that undeniable, wicked curry smell that lingers like a bad memory days after you devoured it. Or why you can use your forehead to corkscrew even the mightiest Foster’s beer bottle thanks to the countless afternoons you spent rubbing the elusive bindi off after your weekly prayers. All this just so you could rush off to see the latest movie at the cinemas without having to explain the red dot on your forehead for the millionth time. You won’t even find stories on the absurdity of forgetting French kissing when your people came up with the manual on having sex.

Why would we forget the lips in the Kama Sutra people – really, why?

Why don’t you find common day stories on the very real, normal lives of brown people?
Because there’s no way that a white author has been cursed with our version of normality. Normal, non-brown people think this is comedic which is probably why Mindy Kaling’s The Mindy Project has done so well.

Poor Mindy had to fabricate a normal Indian girl’s life as a comedy when most of us brown chicks know that there’s nothing funny about Mindy’s life – it’s just our version of normal.

Maybe that’s what it is.

Perhaps my premise in Un-Belonging is too real for the mainstream. Maybe all I need to get a literary agent’s attention is to tag a “normal typical brown girl problem” joke at the end of each sentence so that the general public can make a parody of my protagonist instead.

Maybe that’ll get over her not wearing a hijab bit.

Photo Credit: Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash

I’m Sorry …

… for being so absent lately.

Though it isn’t an excuse, I’ll fall back on that dismal aspect of human nature and attempt to absolve myself of any wrongdoings by providing you with an adequate 3 point resource on how it’s really not my fault.

Point 1 – I’ve been so busy that if I were a Troll protecting the make believe bridge to Narnia I just made up right now, well, Narnia would no longer be Narnia – it would be the next best holiday destination. I have been writing though, about an article a week but woe is me, much of my time is taken up in maintaining active social media accounts for work.

You need a Twitter, Facebook or Google + guru right now, don’t look at me. I’m fresh out of ideas.

Point 2 – I have seriously pissed karma off and I don’t even know what I did. The amount of minor mishaps I have had with my skeleton over the past month would be enough to fill up a small encyclopaedia. Seriously. From toe injuries to wrist massacring’s, it’s a wonder I still resemble a human body. Fine, maybe not an encyclopaedia but a good weekend read in a grubby motel off Highway 5. At least.

Point 3 – I blame Trump because well, why wouldn’t you?

I don’t think history has ever provided us with such an apt “he is the cause of everything that’s wrong in this world, my life and this entire solar system really” excuse, people. Ever.

I am not kidding. It’s every man, woman and child for themselves and I can’t even copyright this one. Take it. Run with it.

I’ve been busy because Trump exists.

With that being said, I make no promises except an absolute true declaration – I have missed all of you. Truly.

I’ll try and make it up for it and write some more, or at least be more present if my fingers remain from that biyatch injury infliction.

I hope you’re listening karma. I’m a Hindu and I ain’t going anywhere so let’s try and be friends, okay? Or at least civil.

See you soon my peeps xoxo