Tag Archives: written words

WereVamp is Officially Released!

I’m so glad to let everyone know that WereVamp has officially been released.

I’ve celebrated this personal milestone by conducting my first AMA last week which was heaps of fun – it’s funny how you don’t really ponder your own writing journey in detail unless it’s highlighted by a question asked of you (probably one you’ve never really though about before!).

I’m also offering The Last True Blood (the first in the series) absolutely FREE of charge as a promotion and incentive to read the next one, WereVamp (and hopefully get hooked!) for a limited time as well.

Lastly, I would like to urge all readers to conduct an AMA of their own – it was truly fascinating! It was also a lot of fun analysing my own writing journey and I really did meet some awesome individuals. If nothing else, it’s a platform for likeminded peers and the chance to learn and experience more about the written word – and honestly, can there be anything more awesome? Unlikely!

Anyway, until next time, enjoy and please share the love by downloading my book. Self publishing is no walk in the park and anything we can collectively do to make this journey more awesome and palatable is got to be a good thing, right?

Video Killed My Identity

Call me old school but video sux!

Seriously, video takes all the juice out of words and spews it out somewhere else, like a place I can’t get to though I desperately want to.

Sorry about the bleak picture but please allow me to provide you with some background as some sort of explanation for my rather strong stance on all things moving images related.

I’ve been busy in the deep, dark depths of video for the past 3 months or so, working on a five part series for my business and boy, am I exhausted! Nothing sucks the life out of someone who would much rather tinker with words as they come to life on paper than video.

I do not kid.

It’s exhausting in a way words never are. Don’t get me wrong, writing is torturously tiring on the best of days but there’s a sliver of exciting rejuvenation that lingers long after you shut down your computer at 3am driving you to push forward the next day so you can get back to your mesmerising characters.

Video for me though is just bleh.

Bleh, bleh, bleh and more bleh.

I’m sure it’s got its loyalists and fans but I was one martyr that will sunk and burned before I ever got the chance to rise – I was literally obliterated.

Unsurprisingly, I ‘m thrilled to be back in my world of words and mayhem – who knew old school was this cool! đŸ™‚

Writing Update – WereVamp looks gooood :)

How are you, my lovely peeps?

Just wanted to let you in on something I’m very excited about – my new book cover for WereVamp.

Just looking at it gives me the shivers because I’m now so close I can smell it and no, that’s not Levi’s werewolf senses going crazy đŸ˜€

Anyway, let me know what you think, as usual I can’t thank my adorable sister Mayunka more for her (always) epic creativity!

Speak soon …

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Are you all ready for Christmas?

Have you got the Christmas lights set up – check! The tree stocked with presents – check! The candy jar filled to the brim (well mine did start out that way :P) – check!

Honestly, I was so organised this year – December 1st and everything was set to go đŸ˜€

Anyhow, I just wanted to write a short note wishing everyone much joyful festive cheer this wonderful, awesome season.

I am deep in the midst and dark dungeons of trying to get my next instalment of The Last True Blood Series ready for Smashwords’ completely unattainable (or at least it seems so) Premium category but I must admit, I am revelling in the writing journey again.

Won’t be here for a while, having a much needed and well deserved (at least I think so) break for the summer holidays here in Oz.

Take care & watch this space pretty please! Will keep you updated soon. Cheerio my peeps!

I’m Sorry …

… for being so absent lately.

Though it isn’t an excuse, I’ll fall back on that dismal aspect of human nature and attempt to absolve myself of any wrongdoings by providing you with an adequate 3 point resource on how it’s really not my fault.

Point 1 – I’ve been so busy that if I were a Troll protecting the make believe bridge to Narnia I just made up right now, well, Narnia would no longer be Narnia – it would be the next best holiday destination. I have been writing though, about an article a week but woe is me, much of my time is taken up in maintaining active social media accounts for work.

You need a Twitter, Facebook or Google + guru right now, don’t look at me. I’m fresh out of ideas.

Point 2 – I have seriously pissed karma off and I don’t even know what I did. The amount of minor mishaps I have had with my skeleton over the past month would be enough to fill up a small encyclopaedia. Seriously. From toe injuries to wrist massacring’s, it’s a wonder I still resemble a human body. Fine, maybe not an encyclopaedia but a good weekend read in a grubby motel off Highway 5. At least.

Point 3 – I blame Trump because well, why wouldn’t you?

I don’t think history has ever provided us with such an apt “he is the cause of everything that’s wrong in this world, my life and this entire solar system really” excuse, people. Ever.

I am not kidding. It’s every man, woman and child for themselves and I can’t even copyright this one. Take it. Run with it.

I’ve been busy because Trump exists.

With that being said, I make no promises except an absolute true declaration – I have missed all of you. Truly.

I’ll try and make it up for it and write some more, or at least be more present if my fingers remain from that biyatch injury infliction.

I hope you’re listening karma. I’m a Hindu and I ain’t going anywhere so let’s try and be friends, okay? Or at least civil.

See you soon my peeps xoxo

If you can’t colour in, we don’t want you!

This is what one reputable Australian literary agent told me the other day, well not those exact words but pretty close.

I got a detailed email from a Literary Agent last week saying that although he loved my idea and thought the premise was breakthrough and needed to be written he had pretty much given up hope on writing getting the respect it deserves in the 21st century, at least in Australia.

The top best seller in Australia at the moment. Wait for it. Drumroll. Colouring books for adults! Haha!

I’m sorry, I can truly not compete. I give up đŸ˜€ đŸ˜€ đŸ˜€

Do you enjoy pushing the envelope?

There’s something so exciting about writing outside your comfort zone. It’s like learning how to story tell all over again and coming across all those wondrous side alleys you can’t remember forgetting along the way on your creating journey.

I’m 50,000 words into my novel now, yesterday it was a little over 57,000 actually and I’m still loving how this book is evolving into a story on its own. The writing path is still truly fascinating at this stage and so very cathartic.

I hope to tell you all a little more about my Un-Belonging as and when it chooses to reveal its intrinsic, interwoven novelties to me!

See you around my beautiful fellow lovers of the written word!